Aura Fresh Ocean Matratze
Aura Fresh Ocean Matratze
Aura Fresh Ocean Matratze
Aura Fresh Ocean Matratze

Aura Fresh Ocean Matratze

Sku: 21.01.1272.00


Breite: 200 cm | Höhe: 120 cm | Tiefe: 23 cm

Aura Fresh Ocean Matratze von Çilek

Unser Geruchssinn macht unser Leben sinnvoll und nimmt auch im Schlaf wahr. Geruch ist ein wichtiger Faktor für die Schlafqualität. Körpergerüche werden von der Matratze aufgenommen und wieder verteilt. Nach einiger Zeit kann es in unserem Bett zu unerwünschten Gerüchen kommen. Aura Fresh Ocean wurde entwickelt, um durch Reinigung der Bettluft eine gesunde Schlafumgebung zu schaffen. Aura Fresh Ocean wurde entwickelt, um Gerüche zu beseitigen. Dank seiner speziellen Formulierung neutralisiert es viele verschiedene Gerüche. Indem es schlechte Gerüche stark reduziert, reinigt es die Umgebungsluft und verbessert die Schlafqualität. Seine Wirkung lässt lange nicht nach, es bereitet den Boden für einen gesunden Schlaf.

  • Yatak Katmanları Yükleniyor...

    Specially Formulated Fabric

    Thanks to its unique and complex composition, this specially formulated fabric instantly neutralizes unwanted odors, and its effects are long-lasting. Smells such as tobacco, sweat, and food are no longer a cause for concern, all thanks to this special fabric.

    While enjoying a consistently fresh and clean environment, it also provides a refreshing sensation with every touch, thanks to its specially formulated fabric.

    Quilted Foam

    The quilting foam combines a soft surface with a carefully crafted pattern to provide a soft touch for the sensitive skin of babies and children.

    The pattern is designed to gently conform to the contours of the little ones' bodies, ensuring that every area of the foam offers consistent support and softness.

    Comfort Foam

    The Comfort Foam, with its soft touch, ensures seamless interaction with the springs, delivering perfect support by gently enveloping the body.

    Designed to support babies and children in sleeping comfortably and growing, this system gently cradles their every movement.

    Pocket Spring

    The pocket spring system, working precisely for each spring, embraces the body and provides optimal support. It helps babies and children maintain a proper body position during their growth stages while maximizing their comfort.

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